getting the hang of it

I think I’m getting used to this.

Hmmm, let me try something. I’ve already got a picture up (thanks Maggie)

The wand is because I can wave it to let people into private kidcrit or I can unwave it to kick them out. Ditto for the canscaip listserv. Must not let the power go to my head.

Here’s a link re my September whirlwind trip to Saskatchewan (my eyes don’t really glow like that — honestly!):

Author: Marsha

I write historical fiction, mostly from the perspective of young people who are thrust in the midst of war.

14 thoughts on “getting the hang of it”

      1. Why thank you very much! And congrats to you too!

        I just found out from my Stellar librarian/liaison person that the Stellar award won’t get a gala like the Red Cedar’s. She said though that the winner and honour authors would be invited to come to the B.C. literary festival next October to help launch the next year’s program. She also said the same festival would apparently help fund out-of-province authors to come to B.C. to do some presentations. I hope so. I was really looking for any excuse to fly to B.C. to visit my sister.

        So, Marsha, the next thing you need to do on LJ is ‘friend’ me, Art and Gillian back. You do this by going into your User Info page and clicking on our names down where it says ‘friend of’. So, let’s say you click on faerie_writer. That would then take you to my User Info page, where you would see the 5 little square symbols of a little person with a plus sign, pencil, etc. Click on the little person with a plus sign (he’s the ‘add this to your friends’ list’ symbol) and then click the button that says ‘add faerie_writer’. Then do the same thing for both Art and Gillian. That way when you’re on your Journal page, you can click ‘Friends’ at the top and will instantly see any updates on our Journals. (Oh, and make sure you’re logged in *before* you do it.)

        ~Maggie 🙂

        1. Maggie my blog-mentor

          Hi Maggie,
          Thanks for that info! I just did the friend thing.

          I was talking to the Stellar organizer a couple of weeks ago too. I’m going to BC for other invites in May, which is after the Stellar activities, but I’d like to visit some of the involved schools anyway. I don’t want to go to BC twice in a single season because that’s alot of travelling. Plus I’m going to Alberta in April and will need time to catch up and recuperate from that. Kewl about the BC literary festival the following year! It’s neat that we’re both on this first nomination list!

    1. It was tiring but it was so neat! I love Saskatchewanians. Very friendly. And the horizon is breathtaking. It was also neat to see both Ukrainian museums. They have fabulous artifacts.

    1. I’m sure an orange leather jacket will look so ten minutes ago next year but I really do love it.

  1. I dunno about the eyes – when you have those pointy-toed boots on to kick my butt, your eyes do develop a ‘hue’ .

    Cool icon, and I love the wand. You weild the power well .

    Julie K

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