Ukrainian internment finally acknowledged!

Hi everyone,

I am so pleased with this announcement that I am jumping for joy. The Ukrainian community in Canada gives heartfelt thanks to Inky Mark, Conservative MP from Dauphin MB. Inky is of Chinese heritage and his own ancestors suffered from the infamous Head Tax. He has been a long time champion of recognizing the injustice of Canada’s first national internment program. Here is the press release:

Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 10:17:03 -0500
From: “Mark, Inky – M.P.”

History-making, unanimous consent on the eve of a federal election speeds Inky Mark’s Bill C-331 to the Senate

(Ottawa) After 8 years of intense work, Inky Mark, Conservative Member of Parliament for Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette realized his wish for Canada’s Ukrainian community through the passage of his private member’s Bill C-331 last night in the House of Commons by unanimous consent.

Bill C-331 calls upon the federal government to acknowledge that thousands of Ukrainian Canadians were unjustly interned and disenfranchised in Canada during the First World War; to provide funding to commemorate the sacrifices made by these Canadians and; to develop
educational materials detailing this dark period of Canada’s history.

At the close of 3rd reading debate, Mark asked his parliamentary colleagues from all parties for their consent to pass the Bill. It received their unanimous consent and was passed by the House of Commons.

During the debate Mark said, “We know that after two decades it is time for the government to resolve this outstanding issue in the history of this country. This bleak event in Canadian history must be recognized and we, as a society, must learn from it. This is an issue of justice

“I am honoured to have tabled Bill C-331 and honoured to have had the opportunity to represent the wishes of Canada’s Ukrainian community.”

Speakers in favour of the Bill at third reading were: Sarmite Bulte, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, Meili Faille of the Bloc Quebecois, Judy Wasylycia-Leis, NDP MP, Joy Smith Conservative MP from Kildonan-St. Paul, Marlene Catterall, Chair of the
Standing Committee of Canadian Heritage and Larry Bagnell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources.

“Passing C-331 demonstrates the mature Canada that people in this country expect. It makes a loud statement that Canada has grown up, that Canada can accept its past, learn from it and ensure that it is never repeated,” Mark concluded.

Bill C-331 has now been received by the Senate. Having received unanimous consent in the House of Commons, it may be given the same consideration and passed before the impending federal election.

Author: Marsha

I write historical fiction, mostly from the perspective of young people who are thrust in the midst of war.

26 thoughts on “Ukrainian internment finally acknowledged!”

  1. Ukrainian internment

    Hi everyone,

    In case you’re wondering why the heck I care so much about Bill C-331, it’s because my own grandfather was interned. It was a devastating experience for him and the core of his story became the basis for my first children’s book, Silver Threads:

    Here’s some background on Bill C-331:

    And here’s some info on the Ukrainian internment:

  2. Ukrainian internment

    Hi everyone,

    In case you’re wondering why the heck I care so much about Bill C-331, it’s because my own grandfather was interned. It was a devastating experience for him and the core of his story became the basis for my first children’s book, Silver Threads:

    Here’s some background on Bill C-331:

    And here’s some info on the Ukrainian internment:

  3. Bill C-331 has passed through the Senate!

    This is a historic day! It is so difficult to get a private member’s bill through the House of Commons, and to then get it passed through the Senate. I am thrilled! Here are the details:

    Mark’s Bill C-331 Historic

    Passes Senate with Unanimous Consent

    (Ottawa) Today, the Senate of Canada gave unanimous consent to Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette MP Inky Mark’s Bill C-331, the Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act. This Bill will now become law once it receives Royal Assent from the Governor General.

    “The passage of Bill C-331 provides for recognition for those Ukrainian-Canadians and others of European descent who were unjustly interned in Canada during the First World War,” said Mark “It will allow for redress, which will be dedicated to public education and the promotion of tolerance in this country.”

    “I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my colleagues from all parties in both the House of Commons and Senate for their hard work and determination to see this Bill become law. Despite being on the eve of an election, both the House and Senate had the will and commitment to pass this important legislation.

    “I am honoured to have tabled Bill C-331 and equally honoured to have been entrusted with this mission on behalf of Canada’s Ukrainian community,” Mark continued.

    Senators from all parties spoke in favour of the Bill during today’s debate in the Senate. They included Senator Terry Stratton, Senator Vivian Poy, Senator Marcel Prud’homme, Senator Sharon Carstairs, and Senator Madeleine Plamondon.

    “The passage of C-331 demonstrates the mature Canada that people in this country expect. It makes a loud statement that Canada has grown up, that Canada can accept its past, learn from it and ensure that it is never repeated,” Mark concluded.


    For more information, please contact:

    Inky Mark, MP (613) 992-3176

  4. Bill C-331 has passed through the Senate!

    This is a historic day! It is so difficult to get a private member’s bill through the House of Commons, and to then get it passed through the Senate. I am thrilled! Here are the details:

    Mark’s Bill C-331 Historic

    Passes Senate with Unanimous Consent

    (Ottawa) Today, the Senate of Canada gave unanimous consent to Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette MP Inky Mark’s Bill C-331, the Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act. This Bill will now become law once it receives Royal Assent from the Governor General.

    “The passage of Bill C-331 provides for recognition for those Ukrainian-Canadians and others of European descent who were unjustly interned in Canada during the First World War,” said Mark “It will allow for redress, which will be dedicated to public education and the promotion of tolerance in this country.”

    “I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my colleagues from all parties in both the House of Commons and Senate for their hard work and determination to see this Bill become law. Despite being on the eve of an election, both the House and Senate had the will and commitment to pass this important legislation.

    “I am honoured to have tabled Bill C-331 and equally honoured to have been entrusted with this mission on behalf of Canada’s Ukrainian community,” Mark continued.

    Senators from all parties spoke in favour of the Bill during today’s debate in the Senate. They included Senator Terry Stratton, Senator Vivian Poy, Senator Marcel Prud’homme, Senator Sharon Carstairs, and Senator Madeleine Plamondon.

    “The passage of C-331 demonstrates the mature Canada that people in this country expect. It makes a loud statement that Canada has grown up, that Canada can accept its past, learn from it and ensure that it is never repeated,” Mark concluded.


    For more information, please contact:

    Inky Mark, MP (613) 992-3176

  5. Congratulations! I hadn’t heard this today (I tune off most of the news on the weekend, unless it’s local), but this is a terriffic accomplishment! I’m also proud there were so many Manitobans involved in this – how wonderful!

    Congrats again!

    1. Hi Julie,

      It is astonishing. It’s so hard to get a private member’s bill beyond the first reading, let alone passed. And what is especially poignant and oh so Canadian is that it was an MP of Chinese heritage who championed the bill.

      Manitobans rock!!

      1. I can imagine just how hard Inky Mark worked to keep this going forward…and it must have been even more difficult for him, because I think he’s sitting as an Independent right now, not as a Conservative. To get this bill to go through without party backing makes this even more amazing!


        1. Hi Julie,
          He’s sitting as a Conservative. He was sitting as an independent before the two parties merged. However, it is extremely difficult for an MP in Opposition to get a private members’ bill through so this is nothing short of a miracle. I have met Inky and his wife on a number of occasions and I am always struck by his sincerity and simplicity. He’s a very hard worker.

          1. OK, I couldn’t remember if he’d moved back or not. I saw him on TV tonight during the non-confidence vote. He strikes me as a little bit of a rebel, trying to make it as part of the party …but I’m glad he worked hard and got this through before the vote tonight!


          2. Hi Julie,
            He is a bit of a rebel, but so are most of the Conservative MPs. They have fewer lawyers than the other parties, more visible minorities, and the youngest MPs in the House by far.

  6. Congratulations! I hadn’t heard this today (I tune off most of the news on the weekend, unless it’s local), but this is a terriffic accomplishment! I’m also proud there were so many Manitobans involved in this – how wonderful!

    Congrats again!

    1. Hi Julie,

      It is astonishing. It’s so hard to get a private member’s bill beyond the first reading, let alone passed. And what is especially poignant and oh so Canadian is that it was an MP of Chinese heritage who championed the bill.

      Manitobans rock!!

      1. I can imagine just how hard Inky Mark worked to keep this going forward…and it must have been even more difficult for him, because I think he’s sitting as an Independent right now, not as a Conservative. To get this bill to go through without party backing makes this even more amazing!


        1. Hi Julie,
          He’s sitting as a Conservative. He was sitting as an independent before the two parties merged. However, it is extremely difficult for an MP in Opposition to get a private members’ bill through so this is nothing short of a miracle. I have met Inky and his wife on a number of occasions and I am always struck by his sincerity and simplicity. He’s a very hard worker.

          1. OK, I couldn’t remember if he’d moved back or not. I saw him on TV tonight during the non-confidence vote. He strikes me as a little bit of a rebel, trying to make it as part of the party …but I’m glad he worked hard and got this through before the vote tonight!


          2. Hi Julie,
            He is a bit of a rebel, but so are most of the Conservative MPs. They have fewer lawyers than the other parties, more visible minorities, and the youngest MPs in the House by far.

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