First responses to Underground Soldier — yay!

Underground Soldier officially hit store shelves on January 1, 2014 and I have been on pins and needles, waiting for initial reader response. Well, today I got it, and I am thrilled!

Karen Upper, teacher-librarian-superwoman of the Near North, made a trailer of the book. You can view it on Youtube. Wow!

And she had this to say:

Hi Marsha:
I have let one of my Grade 8 students read this wonderful story, her mom told me she found Gabby crying, while reading it.
Gabby’s response was so strong, she felt that she had to write you her reaction:

{she is usually a very shy girl, and doesn’t talk much — but this book evoked a very strong reaction in her}

“This is an extraordinary book that you cannot put down, until you’re done and even then, you find yourself rereading it over and over. The author used great descriptive wording that placed a clear image into your head. This novel makes you laugh, CRY, and fear for the characters.

Gabby W”

I just had to share this wonderful comment with you.  My reaction echoes Gabby’s.
Thank you for allowing me to read this very moving story.




Author: Marsha

I write historical fiction, mostly from the perspective of young people who are thrust in the midst of war.